

medieval carpenters


Written and illustrated by Russell Wright. Currently in production. Draws on our lifetime’s experience of studying and restoring medieval timber-framed buildings and deducing how they were made from the evidence left by their makers.













signs of the times









I.A.A.S. Research Paper with exhibition catalogue

Catalogue soon to be online here; examines the Modernists’ claim that the early Modern Movement in this country (circa 1930) was founded on innovative use of brand new building materials and products.



Other I.A.A.S. Research Papers:

For Historic Areas Division of D.O.E.


‘Keeping in Keeping’

laid foundations of Planning Policy Guidance documents PPGs 15 & 16


‘The organisation and role of conservation staff in local government’

examined LPA’s implementation of national conservation policy and gave rise to, among other things, the national Association of Conservation Officers.